Rashmi Pushkar's Training's & System

Rashmi Deshmukh

Is the fear of Public Speaking taking away your Dreams and Ambition?

Do you feel inferior when other people give confident speeches? Do you shiver and sweat because speaking in front of mobs makes you feel uncomfortable?

Many executives, businessmen, entrepreneurs, students and people with big dreams refuse opportunities because of the fear of public speaking. You might try your best and still find your hands and legs shivering; you might experience memory loss and go BLANK on stage. Sometimes you have no choice, you have to give a speech but do you experience a lack of connect with your audience? Are you unable to find the right words? Make people laugh? Does the language barrier become a problem?

We, at RPTS understand you. We introduce and train you with techniques and methods to help you become a confident and professional speaker. We pay attention to the smallest problems. From how to stand and perform, to improving tonality; we develop great speakers. We train you to observe and analyse your audience. We coach you with techniques that resolve shivering and remove the fear of public speaking. Facing audience with grace and ease can be taught. We enable you to speak in front of more than a thousand people with zero stress.

Imagine receiving the great applause and praise you deserve.

Prepare yourself at RPTS and hear that BIG YES after your presentation!